Thursday, August 5, 2010

Catfish Farming


patin fish-or in Latin is called hipothalmus pangasius aquaculture fish consumption of freshwater fish seed. Excellence catfish, savory meat, contain more fat, and not many thorns. The price is stable and high enough to make the cultivation of catfish is promising profits.
One who wrestle catfish farming is Yayan Suryana, in his fish pond area of Overtime Situ, Sukabumi, West Java. Travel to the location of catfish culture in Overtime Situ, can be reached by car for half an hour from the city of Sukabumi. Taking a southerly direction, precisely located area of Port Road.
Dilahan this is an area of one hectare of cultivated catfish Suryana Yayan. Cultivation was conducted in heavy water pool, measuring three by three meters square. Source water from the river which flowed into each pond. Water from the pond and then discharged back into rivers. Raising catfish belonging difficult.
Pembenihannya process requires knowledge of its own. So that not all farmers can bream catfish parent mating male and female, so as to produce good quality seedlings. To produce tillers catfish hatchery process is carried out in the hatchery ponds called tanks. Dibak aerator was installed so that the oxygen supply maintained.
Seeding process carried out by inducing the male to female with hormones stimulating conception. Eggs produced by female plants are mixed with the seed of a male in breeding tanks for 18 to 20 hours. Eggs will hatch and turn into larvae. while still puppies, silk worms and fed artemia.
Each month, this place can be produced from seedling-sized catfish one to three inches of two hundred thousand ekor.Anakan catfish generally has ordered the buyer before the spawning process.
For one-inch-sized tillers, valued between eighty to one hundred rupiah per cow. After one to three weeks old, the child moved into catfish rearing ponds. Must be considered in maintaining catfish is to maintain pool water quality.
In addition, giving the feed twice daily, morning and afternoon. Quantity of food provided, one-fifth the weight of the fish. Pool-raised catfish are harvested after three to four months old. The demand for catfish at most who weighs between half a kilogram to one kilogram. Anywhere from ten thousand to fifteen thousand rupiah per kilogram.

Fish Farming Gurame (Applied)

Raising carp (Osphronemus gourame) is not as easy as carp and tilapia aquaculture. Although it can spawn naturally, these fish need special handling, especially during spawning, hatching and larval rearing. However, the cultivation of carp have been successfully developed, because it remains a promising business opportunity.
Gonad maturation
Gonadal maturation of carp in the pond can be done soil. How, to prepare the pool size of 50 m2; dry for 2-4 days and improve all parts of the pond; water content as high as 50-70 cm and circulate continuously; input 40 breeding size from 2.5 to 4 kg; give additional food taro leaves as much as 2 percent and 1 percent each day.
Parent selection is done by seeing the signs on the body. Sign of a mature female gonad: chin (above head) flat, slightly bloated abdomen; body rather dull, slow movement and redness genital hole. Sign of the male parent: protruding chin, nimble movement, the body is lighter and brighter; hole genital redness.
Spawning carp was conducted in earthen pond. Pond must be away from the crowds. The trick: prepare the pool size of 50 m2; fix all the parts thereof; dry for 3-5 days; water content as high as 60 cm and circulate continuously; pairs of four fruit sosog (nest made of bamboo or plastic bins) in the four corners of the pond; input 30 breeding females; four pairs of bamboo rack 5 cm above the water surface, place the palm or coconut belts as nest material; input also 10 breeding males; take the nest already containing eggs (usually nest was covered with palm or coconut belt and water around oily nest); tetaskan in hatcheries.
Hatchery in aquarium
Carp hatcheries are conducted in an aquarium. The trick: prepare an aquarium size 80 cm long, 60 cm wide and 40 cm high; dry for two days; water content as high as 30 cm; pairs of two points and turn on aeration during hatching; input from a nest egg that has been cleared of rubbish and rotten eggs; hatch will last for 10 days; on the fifth day some water is removed and replaced with new water; harvest larvae or beni with sekup net and stocked into the pond ready I.
Hatching in a plastic basin
Carp hatcheries may also be done in a plastic basin. The trick: prepare a large plastic basin (volume 50 liters); dry for two days; water content as high as 20 cm; input from a nest egg that has been cleaned of garbage and rotten eggs; hatch will last for 10 days; on the day The fifth part the water is removed and replaced with new water; harvest larvae or beni with sekup net and stocked into the pond ready I.
Separating I
Separating the first carried out in the pond soil. How: ready pool size 100 m2; dry 4-5 days; fix all the parts thereof; make kemalirnya; essentially averaged soil; scatter two sacks of chicken manure or quail; contents as high as 40 cm of water and soak for 5 days (the water is not discharged); dispersive 10 000 larvae in the morning, after two days, give 0.5 to 1 meal pellets or pellets that have been soaked every day; harvested seeds after 3 weeks of age.
Germination II
Separating the two also performed at the earthen pond. How: ready pool size 100 m2; dry 4-5 days; fix all the parts thereof; make kemalirnya; essentially averaged soil; scatter two sacks of chicken manure or quail; contents as high as 40 cm of water and soak for 5 days (the water is not discharged); dispersive 8000 fry from the nursery I (already selected); give 1-2 kg of flour pellets or pellets that have been soaked every day; crop seeds after one month of age.
Separating III
Germination was conducted in three earthen pond. How: ready pool size 100 m2; dry 4-5 days; fix all the parts thereof; make kemalirnya; essentially averaged soil; scatter two sacks of chicken manure or quail; contents as high as 40 cm of water and soak for 5 days (the water is not discharged); dispersive 6000 tail results from separating II (already selected); give 3-5 kg of small pellets (especially carp); seed harvest done a month later.
Enlargement of carp in the pond soil performed. The trick: prepare a pool size of 200 m2; fix all the parts; scatter four sacks of chicken manure or quail; water content as high as 40-60 cm and soak for 5 days; input selection result 10 000 fry from nursery III; news feed 3 percent every day , 3 kg at the beginning of maintenance and be on the increase according to the weight of the fish; circulate water continuously; do harvested after three months. A pond can produce 0.5 kg of food fish size of 400-500 kg

Business Opportunities Budi Fish Resources

Business opportunities catfish aquaculture is one of the significant business opportunities currently calculated. If we notice there are many seller of the food supply is needed catfish catfish per day, this will keep demand for fish has become increasingly high in the market and open up potential business opportunity that is promising. Livestock Catfish relatively easy when compared with other freshwater fish such as carp or tilapia because it is more resistant to disease or environmental conditions. Here is a general picture about the way catfish farming
* Breeding Catfish.
Catfish is to produce seed until a certain size with a mated male and female parent in a special spawning ponds. Catfish hatchery has a good prospect with a high consumption of catfish and many other catfish rearing business.
* Cultivation System
There are three seeding systems are known, namely:
1. Bulk System. Performed by placing the male and female catfish in a pond with a certain ratio. In this system, the male parent is invited to freely seek partner for mating in the nests of spawning, so it depends on the activeness of the male parent to find their partner.
2. Paired system. Performed by placing a male and a female parent in a special pool. Success will be determined by the accuracy of determining the matching pairs between the two carriers.
3. Breeding Inject System (Hyphofisasi).
Performed by stimulating the catfish to spawn or occur ovulation by injection Hyphofise gland extracts, which are below the cerebrum. For this purpose there must be a fish as donors Hyphofise gland that also must be of the type of catfish.
* Stage Cultivation Process
A. Making Swimming.
There are two kinds / types of pool, ie tub and pools (pool excavation). The selection pool type should be adjusted to the available land. Technically, both on the type of vessel and type of excavation, seeding catfish must have:
Pond reservoir. Get direct input from outside water / water resources. Function for the deposition of mud, water supply, and the growth of plankton. Reservoir pond is a source of water for swimming the other.
Pool maintenance of the parent. Male parent and bertina during the maturation of eggs reared in separate ponds as well as the maturation of the egg and sperm cells.
Spawning Pool. Place of marriage of male and female parent. In this pool should be available from the spawning nests roofed, brick, bamboo and others as a place of male to female relationship.
Separating the pond. Serves to raise saplings that have been hatched and have been aged 3-4 days. Transfer done at that age because tillers began requiring food, which previously was still using the yolk reserves in the digestive tract parent.
B. Parent Selection
Male parent has a sign:
- Bone-shaped flat head
- The color is darker
- More agile movements
- Slim stomach does not look larger than dorsal
- Spike-shaped genitals.
Female parent is marked:
- Bone head convex
- The brighter the color bodies
- Slow motion
- Stomach expands more than the genitals back round.
C. Land preparation.
The process of land management (land ponds) include:
- Drying. To clean the pond and kill many germs.
- Calcification. Performed with Dolomite lime or 60 doses of Zeolite gr/m2 to restore soil acidity and deadly germs that are not dead by drying.
- Treatment TON (Pond Organic Nusantara). to neutralize various toxic and harmful gases result of decomposition of organic matter remaining before cultivation with doses 5 bottles TON / ha or 25 grams (2 tablespoons) / 100m2. Addition of manure can also be done to increase the fertility of the land.
- Importation of Water. Done in stages, first as high as 30 cm and left for 3-4 days to grow plankton as natural feed the catfish.
In the pool type of tub, pond preparation that can be done is:
- Cleaning of tanks of sewage / rest before seeding.
- Drying tub to dry and dead germs. Inclusion of water management and direct fapat immediately treated with the same dose TON
D. Spawning.
Spawning is the process of male to female attendance to remove the egg and sperm cells. Sign ready mating of the male parent is red genitals. Female parent sign the yellow egg (if immature green). Fertilized egg cell that has been attached to the nest and within 24 hours will hatch into tillers catfish.
E. Transfer.
How to transfer:
- Reduce the water in the nests of spawning until the water 10-20 cm high.
- Prepare shelters with a bowl or bucket filled with water in the nest.
- Equalize the temperature in the second pool
- Remove the seeds from the nest into the container shelters with a cup or plate.
- Remove the seeds from the reservoir into the pond carefully at night, because it is still vulnerable to high water temperatures.
F. Germination.
Is ready to sell enlargement to size, ie 5-7 cm, 7-9 cm and 9-12 cm with a different price. Given a protective surface of the pond in the form of water hyacinth or coverings of plastics to avoid rising water temperatures that cause stress catfish easily. Start feeding catfish made since the tiller is moved to the pond.
* Feed Management
Catfish feed tillers form:
- Natural food such as plankton, larva, water fleas and small worms (best) is consumed at ages under 3-4 days.
- Food made to age over 3-4 days. Have high nutrient content, especially protein content.
- To increase the nutrition in the diet, any artificial feeding NASA POC is mixed with a dose of 1-2 cc / kg of feed (mixed with water to taste), to improve growth and resilience of the body because they contain many important mineral elements, proteins and vitamins in the optimal amount.
* Water Management
Measuring water quality can be assessed physically:
- Water must be clean
- Bright green
- Brightness / transparency medium (30-40 cm).
Size of chemical water quality:
- Free of toxic compounds such as ammonia
- Has an optimal temperature (22-26 0C).
To maintain the quality of water to keep it in optimal condition, the provision of much needed fertilizer TON. TON containing essential mineral elements, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and humic acid able to nurture and enrich the natural feed in the form of plankton and worm-type worms, neutralize toxic compounds and creating a balanced pond ecosystem. TON treatment done at the time by land through dissolved and pour on the soil surface of ponds and new water intake at the time or at least every 10 days. The dose is 25 g/100m2 TON.
* Health Management
Basically lelePada fish farming, seedlings are raised catfish will not be hurt if it has high endurance. Chicks catfish get sick more often caused by environmental conditions (water) is bad. Very bad water conditions encourage the growth of various germs, and includes protozoa, fungi, bacteria and others. Then in the health management of hatchery catfish, which is more important is the maintenance of water conditions and high nutrition. In both cases then, the role of TON and very large NASA POC. However, if excessive tillering catfish disease, it is recommended to perform appropriate treatment. Diseases caused by infection with protozoa, bacteria and fungi can be treated with formaldehyde, condensation PK (Potassium Permanganate) or table salt. Use of these medications should be carefully used and the dose should also be suitable.

Magnification macropomum Freshwater Fish

Freshwater pomfret fish at this time many freshwater fish breeders selected as superior products. This is because in addition to economic value as ornamental fish, freshwater fish, pomfret, or by the Latin name (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier) is also a dish that is often sought at the dinner table. Even a large demand of these products not only come from within the country but also from abroad. It's just not sure how many there are data that the total demand for commodities on this one.

If you want the business of freshwater pomfret fish farming is basically cultivators can choose whether you want to seed cultivation, rearing, marketing, or a combination of these options. Enlargement is one of the freshwater fish pomfret very important influence on sales value of products on the market. In the special theory of pomfret fish rearing is also considered the type of fish that are not 'difficult' to be cultivated. Survival rate of freshwater pomfret is quite high, around 90%. In fact, this pomfret fish able to survive in a pond that a high density level. Not too fussy eating because of this omnivorous animal type has a huge appetite.
Business start rearing fish pomfret cultivation can be started from small scale to large. To start this business at least the required pool as other freshwater fish. Price pomfret fish itself is dependent on the size and price trends are also influenced by market demand. Usually the price of seeds pomfret super size (Djarum cigarette pack) of approximately 700 per head. Pool base should be added calcium oxide or dolomite to raise soil pH, can also be to kill pests or pathogens that are resistant to drying process. In addition, other materials needed are animal manure (not absolute, because the fixed pomfret given additional food).
Harvesting business enlargement can be done after 4-6 months maintained pomfret fish, pomfret fish that time has reached the size of approximately 500 grams / fish, with a density of 4 birds / m 2. Freshwater Fish prices vary macropomum live view of the fish, pomfret pomfret, white or ponds. The price per kilogram can reach Rp15 thousand.