Thursday, August 5, 2010

Catfish Farming


patin fish-or in Latin is called hipothalmus pangasius aquaculture fish consumption of freshwater fish seed. Excellence catfish, savory meat, contain more fat, and not many thorns. The price is stable and high enough to make the cultivation of catfish is promising profits.
One who wrestle catfish farming is Yayan Suryana, in his fish pond area of Overtime Situ, Sukabumi, West Java. Travel to the location of catfish culture in Overtime Situ, can be reached by car for half an hour from the city of Sukabumi. Taking a southerly direction, precisely located area of Port Road.
Dilahan this is an area of one hectare of cultivated catfish Suryana Yayan. Cultivation was conducted in heavy water pool, measuring three by three meters square. Source water from the river which flowed into each pond. Water from the pond and then discharged back into rivers. Raising catfish belonging difficult.
Pembenihannya process requires knowledge of its own. So that not all farmers can bream catfish parent mating male and female, so as to produce good quality seedlings. To produce tillers catfish hatchery process is carried out in the hatchery ponds called tanks. Dibak aerator was installed so that the oxygen supply maintained.
Seeding process carried out by inducing the male to female with hormones stimulating conception. Eggs produced by female plants are mixed with the seed of a male in breeding tanks for 18 to 20 hours. Eggs will hatch and turn into larvae. while still puppies, silk worms and fed artemia.
Each month, this place can be produced from seedling-sized catfish one to three inches of two hundred thousand ekor.Anakan catfish generally has ordered the buyer before the spawning process.
For one-inch-sized tillers, valued between eighty to one hundred rupiah per cow. After one to three weeks old, the child moved into catfish rearing ponds. Must be considered in maintaining catfish is to maintain pool water quality.
In addition, giving the feed twice daily, morning and afternoon. Quantity of food provided, one-fifth the weight of the fish. Pool-raised catfish are harvested after three to four months old. The demand for catfish at most who weighs between half a kilogram to one kilogram. Anywhere from ten thousand to fifteen thousand rupiah per kilogram.

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